People kept telling me before Lilah was born that she was going to grow up fast and time is going to fly by - Oh My it sure has! She gets more fun everyday.
She now has two teeth
She rolled over for the first time
She is slowly becoming a good eater, we had rough start with solid foods.
She has the best laugh
She "talks" all the time and will occasionally say "Dada".
She recently started playing by herself without having to have someone in the room
She has a favorite blanket
She takes wonderful naps and goes to sleep so easily most nights
She has always been overwhelmed when we are at a party with lots of people, but just recently started doing a lot better...Thank goodness because there are big families on both sides
I don't think it will be long before she is up on all fours and we will have to babyproof the house. I love watching her grow and change everyday, there is just nothing like and we are so blessed by God that we have her as our little girl.