I think the 2nd babies first year goes by faster than the 1st child because you are busy with two kids now.
Ady is a happy girl, always smiling.
She has the best laugh.
Two days after turning 4 months, she rolled over from her tummy to her back, now she does it quite easily. She had cereal for the first time, not a fan - but we give her a little everyday.
She had squash for the first time a couple of days ago, better response than the cereal.
Loves the exer-saucer
She has started to notice that she doesn't recognize people & will occasionally will cry when someone she isn't familiar with talks to her, but usually gets over it pretty quick.
When she notices I am not in the room with her she cries or if someone else is holding & sees me she cries for me.
She watches Lilah closely, when Lilah looks her way, she just lights up