Saturday, September 20, 2014

6 Months Old

Where does the time go? Ady is an absolute joy, she is such a happy girl.  She is sitting up now, she eating solid food, Ady's first few months were difficult in the eating area, she hardly ever finished her bottle or it would take her a long time to finish one & there were days that she would hardly drink any we decided to switch to name brand formula and thankfully that did the trick and she finishes her bottles now :)

Right after she turned 5 months old she stopped sleeping through the night, we started a few days at 2:30am - it went on for several weeks, thankfully she is back to sleeping through the night. Through all of that she is still our happy girl.

She loves her big sister, Lilah....she watches Lilah all the time and thinks she is hysterical.  They even occasionally play together.

We will find out this week what she weighs.

Newborn Ady
6 month old Ady
Newborn feet
6 month old feet

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Night Fun

Before we had kids we went out to dinner & shopping on Friday nights, after we had Lilah we still would go out to dinner on Friday nights, just didn't stay out as late shopping.....then we had Ady, now we only go out to eat every other Friday and do tiny bit of shopping.  The other Friday nights we spend at home, doing whatever and we love it - our life is simple and filled with fun times with these little girls.

This particular Friday night the corn that surrounds our house was being harvested, so we got to see the large tractors.  Lilah really enjoyed watching the action.

Lilah is developing her own style and she LOVES shoes - they don't always have to match either. This evening's choice was a flip flop and a sparkly red shoe.

Bath Time!

After bath fun....Ady loves watching Lilah and thinks she is so funny

Good Night from the Miller Girls,...loving our simple life.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Purple Pride

If you know us, you know we are Raven's fans and we wear our jerseys and the color purple with pride.  So we are excited that football season is here.....Daddy more than any of us.

So we all wore our Raven's gear yesterday and yes we wore it to church - we go to a church that most people are dressed casual.  (Not a lot a pictures of Lilah, she doesn't really want her "pictch" taken)

Daddy & his girls

Yes this is Lilah's halloween costume from last year, she hasn't grown much :)

"Ady needs shoes on"
We of course had to dress up our minion.....

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day Weekend Fun

We had a busy and fun weekend on the Eastern Shore....we head over on Friday morning.  The girls spent Friday evening with Mom-mom and Pop-pop while Daddy and I went on the Cape May-Lewes Ferry to hear uncle Dale's band play.  Nana was on the boat with her friends and we were surprised to see Aunt Jen & Uncle Gene with Ariah come too!

Enjoying their Doritos
 Beautiful Sunset!

On Saturday we headed to Rehobeth Beach - we got there early enough that we missed the a lot of the crazy crowds.  We didn't go for the beach we went to so we go on the boardwalk and Funland! Of course we had to get Grotto's Pizza :)

Time for the boardwalk....

First ride by herself

This is what she was point to..

Ady hung out in her carseat & took a little nap

On the way home Pop-pop took us to his house to see the cows & chickens, which Lilah loves

Mom-mom & her baby and her baby's baby

On Sunday we went to a birthday party, Ady made a new friend, Jameson

We stopped at Nana's house too, Lilah enjoyed playing on the little piano - maybe she will want to play piano when she is older

Driving up Nana's driveway

Lots of fun times & great memories!