Our Easter weekend was a lot of fun and very eventful.....Aunt Krista came to visit on Friday afternoon and stay until Saturday afternoon, Yay!!! We went out to dinner & to get some Sweet Frog yogurt. After we went to bed, Josh started to not feel good and he was having a low blood sugar. Because Josh was sick and couldn't keep anything down, we couldn't get his blood sugar back up and unfortunately our emergency Glucagon shot was expired - so I was going to take Josh to the ER, I woke up Krista to let her know what was going on so she could listen for Lilah if she woke up. Then Josh decided that we should call 911 instead and it would be a lot quicker. They arrived and were able to hook him up to an IV to get his blood sugar up again. We knew Josh was feeling better when he started joking with the EMT. The next morning Josh woke up and the hand that had the IV was swollen and a little sore...so what do you do when something is wrong physically and you aren't sure what to do about it - You call Mom! We called both of our mothers and they gave the same advice, warm compresses. Woke up Easter morning and his hand was even more swollen and now his arm was too...after we gave Lilah her Easter basket, got some breakfast, off to the ER we went. Josh had Phlebitis (an inflammation of a vein), left with an antibiotic, so we never made it to Easter services, but we were thankful that we knew what was wrong and he should feel better in a few days. As of today his hand & arm almost back to normal, thank God!
Despite all of the excitement we had a great time with Krista, just hanging out and going shopping.
Lilah's 1st Easter basket
All ready for Easter morning |
Lilah loves looking at pictures, especially of herself,
so I put some in a book for her |
"What is in here?" |
"OOOH puffs, my favorite!" |
Easter with the family...
"Ashlyn gave me a cracker!" |
"Peek - a- boo" |
Silly Uncle Brendan |
"Ooh the big girls are letting me play with them!" |
"Allison checking out my new kicks" |
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