Saturday, January 26, 2013

Eight Months Old

Our little girl is growing up way too fast and she is a lot of fun.  She really interacts with us now and has a great personality.  Josh had a an awful cough after the holidays and every time he would cough, Lilah would cough too - seems to have the Miller sense of humor.

Her first top tooth cut through, I see another one about to break through.
When I say "Mama" she smiles at me and says "Dada"
Thanks to Grandma who gave Lilah Gerber puffs and boy does she love them- she gets excited when you shake the container
We completely skipped over pureed foods and now eats finger foods.
Thanks to Mom-mom, Lilah loves to have her back scratched/rubbed
We moved her up into the bigger carseat.
She gets around a little by squirming around on the floor in a sitting positing and laying on her belly....getting close to crawling.
She has pulled herself up to her knees a few times.
I love that she now reaches for us when she wants to be picked up.

I love watching her learn new things.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that 8 months flew by! She has the best little smile. I love it!
