Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ten Months Old

All of a sudden Lilah is doing a lot of new stuff, it has been a month of changes.  It seems like in the last couple of months she has changed the most, her personality has really developed and she is just so much fun and so very funny too.  This month has been kinda rough health wise, Lilah & I both had colds but hers lasted a lot longer, over 2 weeks - had her first ear infection & an upper respiratory infection.  Thankfully she is feeling so much better the past week and we seem to be on the road to having a healthy house again.

This past months milestones are....
~Crawling, she is all over the house and into everything now!
~Drinking from a sippy cup, we had been trying for a month & it clicked one night at dinner. She will hold a cup for herself, but won't hold her bottle (that's ok, more cuddle time for me!)
~Clapping & waving Hi/Goodbye
~Pulling herself up to a standing position
~Drinking from a straw
~No new teeth but I think there are some about to come through soon.

She loves watching Little Einstein's, Doc McStuffins & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Her favorite is Little Einstein's and when she hears the theme song she gets excited and starts clapping and she is slowly learning the hand motions; when they say raise your hands she does too.  Pretty cute.

Here are the out-takes.  It is getting harder to take these pictures, she doesn't want to sit still for them anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I.JUST.CAN'T.WAIT. That girl needs some lovin' from her Aunt Stacie and cousin G!!!!
